In every case where landscaping, screening or erosion control measures are required
by any section of this Code, or as a condition to any approval granted by the city
pursuant to any section of this Code, for any building or structure, or for grading
as defined in article XVII of this chapter, other than the construction of one single
dwelling unit or one double dwelling unit building or structure accessory thereto,
to be constructed on or conducted on any property within the city, the person proposed
to do such work shall apply for and receive approval of a site plan and planting schedule
pursuant to this article. The applicant for the required approvals shall file with
the planner, for review and approval pursuant to the applicable section of this Code,
a site plan of the property drawn to a scale of not less than 30 feet to one inch,
showing in detail the landscaping, screening or erosion control work to be done on
the site. Such site plan shall be prepared by a registered architect, landscape architect,
professional site planner, or other person experienced in such work and acceptable
to the planner. Such site plan shall comply with the minimum standards imposed by section 10-678. The applicant shall also file with the planner a planting schedule that shall specify
the Latin name, common name, caliper, and quantity of all vegetative materials shown
on the site plan, together with a time schedule for the construction and completion
of all such landscaping, screening, and erosion control measures. The application
shall be accompanied by the fee in the amount set forth in section 2-724.